The Dream

I smiled in pure joy and happiness as I watched are Adeyinka grovel at my feet, with his eyeballs in my hands begging for mercy. I threw my head back and laughed, he thought he escaped me. He thought I would forget what he did.

“Please. I already said I was sorry!!!”

“But sorry isn’t enough, is it? You killed my sister.”

“I didn’t kill her. She died in during childbirth.”

“True. But your actions pushed her to it.”

Yinka laughed, and the sight of him laughing with blood pouring out of his sockets seemed comedic to me and I began to laugh too.

“You didn’t remember she was your sister when you were happily bouncing on my cock, did you?”

I stopped laughing, and a tear rolled down my cheek.

“I’m wrong too, and that is a mistake I will pay for with my life. I’ll make sure of it. But before that, you’ll pay first.”

I grabbed the half-full gallon of fuel I had kept in the corner of the room, and began to pour it all over the bloodied floor, on the bed, Yinka and everything flammable. I watched as Yinka got on his hands and knees like a dog and sniffed the air. He struggled to get to his feet and then fell back down.

“Is that fuel?!” He asked.

I ignored him and went for the matchbox I had kept on the nightstand of his matrimonial bed, right next to the blunt we had both enjoyed after fucking our brains out. I looked at the bed and remembered the number of orgasms I’d had here. I wondered how many times he had fucked my sister right after doing me. I wondered if he kissed her in the mouth after French kissing my pussy. I always knew what we were doing was bad but the rush I got from our forbidding activity was too good for me to stop. Even now, I can feel my pussy pulsating and dripping from remembering how I and Yinka had fucked when my sister went into forced labour… after she had caught us in their bed. That was the wildest sex I had ever had. He had driven her to the hospital and then driven back to resume breaking my back and sowing his seed inside me.

My heart broke when news came back that she didn't make it. At least, on the good side no one would know what we had done but I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't punish us. We killed her.

“Don’t do anything stupid!!!” Yinka yelled.

I ignored him and lit the match, watching as the flame licked at the small stick of wood and then I threw it down to the floor. I smiled and watched as fire and fuel made wild love and ate at everything in the room including Yinka. He screamed, but there’s wasn’t any other house for miles…he could scream as loud as he wanted. I’m no time, the whole room was in flames, and probably the whole house and everything in it.

I looked down at myself and watched as the fire quickly burnt my clothes off and began to eat at my skin. I watched as my skin burnt and found some sort of peace there. There was something peaceful about the way my skin shriveled and submitted to the fire…the same way I had submitted to Yinka several times. Soon, every part of me was up in flames, and I could no longer see.

I moaned loud as the fire kicked between my thighs and I spread my legs further. I fell to my knees, my mouth open in a scream I refused to let out. My mind befuddled by the perfect balance of intense pleasure and intense pain. And yet in all of that, I felt some sort of chaotic peace as I burned.

Yinka had since succumbed to his injuries, and he lay on the ground curled up like a newborn and looked like burnt suya. I tired my best to hold on as long as I could until I couldn’t. I laid on the floor and stared at the burning ceiling. Happy. Who said death wasn’t a beautiful thing? She was majestic.

I gasped and snapped my eyes open to see my pregnant sister and her husband, Yinka, standing next to me bed.

I sighed in disappointment. It was all a dream.


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