I'm usually very blunt with topics like this because its honestly the best way to get my point across, so expect a few colorful words along the way, okay?

Sex, also known as fucking, banging, home run, humping is a purely animalistic act meant to give intense pleasure to its participants...or so I'm told. But basically for reproduction.

But I'm not here to teach you about sex, I want to discuss the basic " rules and regulations" surrounding the act in countries like Nigeria.

The rules are basically not the same for both genders here. The girls are expected to keep their bodies for their future husbands, not having ANY knowledge about the act until their wedding night. But the guys, hell no, its a completely different ball game!!! 

They are expected to have compound knowledge on every erogenous zone in the body of a woman, failure to have this knowledge, failure to be able to "break" your girl's waist in the bedroom results in you not being a man, so most guys just go around screwing everything that walks in a skirt and society waves it off as them gathering "experience", forgetting that some of those girls are their daughters.

Now back to us girls, right from cradle, our mothers do one heck of a crazy job instilling the fear of God, man and the devil into us when it comes to sex. First, they tell you about the pain of losing your virginity, they tell you how there was going to be so much blood you could die. Then they move on to pregnancy, how it was going to be an embarrassment for you and for your family if you got pregnant- which to them was the inevitable result of sex (no Nigerian mom will ever tell you about birth control), they tell you how you would have to drop out of school, how you'd end up becoming a nobody. Then they tell you no man wants to marry fairly used or overused- as the case may be- goods.

One thing most Nigerian mothers fail to understand is that its all a matter of choice. Their threats and warnings might have held their girls back from fornicating, those girls won't remain kids forever, they won't be with them forever either and that its not what they do when you're there that matters but how they behave in your absence. They'll grow up, their bodies will change, they begin to realize that a lot of your threats and warnings don't hold any real base in reality and it lies solely with them if they choose to give their bodies before or after marriage, they get aroused and feel the need to have sex. Its inevitable.I can boldly tell you that 70% of Nigerian girls are not virgins and most of that percentage are from highly religious homes. 

Most mothers will tell you they dont want their girls appearing cheap to the men folk and they do have a point. A lot of girls, maybe due to insecurites and what not, give their bodies to almost every dog that says hello. They have zero respect for their bodies and some use it for commercial purposes. Now those girls dont appear cheap, they are cheap.

Mothers need to tune things down a little bit and perhaps introduce sex education and birth control into the equation. Teach what it means to respect your body and not teach fear alone, it will really change a lot of things for the better.

And I always want to know what you think.


  1. For me premarital sex is human and natural it’s almost inevitable

  2. Oftentimes is it possible to give what you don’t have. Basically, what our parents passed on to us is what they were fed and believed. I’m 29, male and a virgin (not for lack of opportunity) & I must say that inside of me overtime has been built a semi-phobia for sex from all the warnings in early life. However, their orthodox approach to sexual topics in the long run helps any child who’s privileged to have heeded and fortunate not to have been molested. It now behoves on we the growing or grown offsprings to modify the knowledge we have and pass it on to generations forthcoming using better approaches (which I’m yet to decipher). And not forgetting, that chastity is not gender-specific.


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