The Reasons We Girls Cry...

       My childhood wasn't as exciting or "childish" as one would expect, with highly religious parents and a very strict mom growing up wasn't as peachy as i would have liked as we were forced to become adults at a very young age. 

       A lot of people will argue with you that making your kid into an adult at a young age isn't the best thing to do. Well, my mom didnt exactly believe that 'cos at the age of 11, we were grandparents in tiny bodies πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯. It kinda helped me though because i got a front row view to the blockbuster called life and i learnt a lot of lessons without having to participate and when it became time for me to face those same challenges, not only was i ready, i wasn't afraid.
      One of the many lessons I've learnt is the issue of the heartπŸ’“πŸ’“ or more accurately, the way guys play and use girls shamelessly and then dump like overused diaper, it also breaks my heart to no end when i see my fellow girls cry over these shameless dogs and after careful observation I've come to this logical conclusion on why we girls cry.

      We girls were built for love- its in our DNA. We love too fast and we love too hard, we fall in love for the most stupid reasons and a lot of guys have played this to our disadvantage, they make you feel insufficient and not worthy of their love and your best is never enough. But what if i told you it doesnt have to be that way?πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”
      During my very patient study of life, i noticed that the reason we girls cry is because we invest unreasonably in a relationship. We sacrifice our time, our money, our bodies and do a whole lot of things that we normally wouldn't do all in the name of love.

      I, for one think that women should love less when going into a relationship. We should only invest 65% heart and 35% brain- you'll be suprised at what 35% common sense can do for you. Your brain will let you know when he's using you, when he's lying, when he's cheating and please for the love of all things holy, do not let your heart lead because the heart is downright stupid and dumb. Dont go out of your way to please any man, believe me they're not worth the trouble and do only what makes you comfortable and no matter what you come first.

The moral of the whole story....DO NOT MAKE ANY MAN YOUR TOP PRIORITY !!!


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