Okay,so we're not new to the words ''feminists'' and ''feminism'', they've been too much in our business lately. Just to be sure that we all follow, I'll start by defining ''feminists'' and I'm sure you're a smart-ass so figure out the other one. Okay?πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

Feminists are women who strongly believe that women were made equal to men-if not stronger-and that women should be given equal rights...in everything!!! 

I agree with some of their arguments, I mean the logical ones that women should be paid the same as men because honestly we're much smarter and ten times more industrious,women shouldn't be abused and we should be given free rein to participate in politics without brow beating and intimidation and I strongly disagree on the illogical ones that a woman should also be the ''head of the house'' because if you put it that way you mock God, you're indirectly saying that He made a mistake when he made man and woman and it is clearly stated in the Bible that we women should submit to our husbands, we are the neck while he is the head. We're there for support, we're there for guidance, we're there for correction. When it comes to matters of the home, you cant have two kings in a kingdom else the kingdom falls apart. There has to be a king and then a queen but that doesn't make you less of a person,it simply makes you a king in a queenly form.

Another absurd, stupid and completely unreasonable argument these women make is that marriage and children happens to be nothing but pure oppresion by the men folk!!!. That happens to be crazy in the sense that marriage is a beautiful thing and the joy of birthing a child cant be measured with anything in this world,its such a beautiful feeling that women who had difficult pregnancies can't wait for their bodies to heal just so they can do it all over again. And now they're pushing to make abortion legal all over the world.

Feminists need to understand one thing, ''NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY YOU CAN NEVER BE A MAN!!!!'', and there are certain things that are just not acceptable. You cant impregnate yourself, and no matter how strong you think you are, we all need love,support and companionship. Let's take our beautiful country Nigeria as a case study, Nigerian women don't like stress, we want to be pampered. An average Nigerian man who is responsible for the well being of his parents and siblings marries an average Nigerian woman and also takes over her family's problems too and such women will be the first to shout ''Give us equal rights!!!''πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜’πŸ˜’. There are also several laws that benefit the women more than men. Interest rates for instance, women get to pay 15% interest on loans while the men get to pay almost double. What do they have to say about that?. 

Personally, I reckon its a matter of choice. If you don't want kids, thats great. You don't want to get married, perfecto but you have no right to drag or force anyone to believe in your ideology.


  1. Explicitly written with boldness

    1. Thanks, your have no idea what that comment means to meπŸ™ŒπŸ»


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